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الله أكبر
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم

Hai Betty!
Monday, August 31, 2009 @ 9:21 PM

Muka urang kelaparan menunggu makanan.


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Love eh?
Thursday, August 27, 2009 @ 4:08 PM
Betty: Fi, aku lapar.
Me: Asta, makan tah.
Betty: Tapi kau puasa.
Me: Inda papa eh, aku inda lamah sangat ni..
Betty: Eeee..
Me: Lagipun aku kanyang lapas terliat si _____ tdi.

Jawapan urang yang dilamun cinta!

Not that I fall in love... I'm just.. enjoying my life to the fullest. Hee.

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My first day... Umm...
@ 10:34 AM
It's the sixth of Ramadhan. People are starting to get used of being hungry and all... but me... I am a beginner. Oh well, welcome again, my-never-success-mission-of-losing-weight. Hehe.


P/S; Sha, bila lagi dating? LOLOLOLOLOLOL! =D

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What's new dude?
Sunday, August 23, 2009 @ 11:52 AM
I missed the first day of fasting. Enough said.

I've been working on my studies since I got back home last Thursday. Thanks to the modem which is struck by the lightning, I was able to concentrate. Haha. Many bad things happen when I'm not here I suppose, and it involve money. Hmph. Aku balik rumah dan mendapat tahu bahawa computer, modem and wireless rusak. Kana sambar kilat. And hence, $.$

And now that the wireless is working, I barely started working on my studies anymore. Haha.

What's new...? Okay, this Saturday we SM 1301 students will be seated for a test. I guess it will be a simple one, just like the tutorials. I mean, I wish it will be exactly like the tutorial. Haha. I've started reading on the notes, but haven't started memorizing and practicing yet. I still have plenty of time though, but knowing me as a procastinator... I better start working on it tonight. Hehe. My first test! I can do this!

My legs... still hurt, badly I must said. Despite having them massaged a few days ago. Hmph. They need to get better soon, otherwise I'll have trouble going here and there.

Oh, I need to let this out. Hehe. Having used living in the hostel, I'm used to the food too. Hehe. Inda ku berselera tarus balik rumah. My bad... My oh my, how am I suppose to lose my weight! And my fat belly! Urgh! HAHA!

I'm going back to hostel later. I choose to go there earlier. There's a lot of distraction here in my house - TV, wireless, and my cutey baby Amirah. So I think I'll be able to concentrate once I'm back to hostel.

And I decided that I'd bring my rabbit dolly along to the hostel. Just to make my room looks livelier. I got it when I'm in form 2, I think. From dad. Hehe. Hm... I somehow miss Baby and Adik, but I refuse to touch them. They, I should name them virus. They're killing me inside.

I manage to live on, me myself was pretty surprise. I thought I can't live without you. And guess what, I think all those love saying, poems, quotes, and songs... are absurd. Don't let them fool you.

I shall go. Assalammualaikum.

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Ya Ramadhan.
Saturday, August 22, 2009 @ 1:51 PM
Ramadhan kembali!

Semoga puasa kita diterima oleh Allah S.W.T, dan semoga mendapat pahala yang berlimpah-limpah dibulan yang mulia ini.

Friends, cousins, family, anyone, and especially to you-know-who-you-are, I am sincerely asking for your forgiveness, for any wrong that I've done. I believe everyone deserve forgiveness.


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Aku mau online buh.
Thursday, August 20, 2009 @ 10:53 AM
I'm currently in the UBD library.
I miss browsing through the internet.
I'm going back home later afternoon.
I think our internet connection at home is not working.
I hate it when this happens.




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I feel so blue.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009 @ 10:48 PM
Yeah, the title... I by chance used a lot of blue today, and it was very very unusual.

Pagi untuk kuliah aku pakai baju kurung kaler biru.
Petang untuk ECA aku pun pakai baju t-shirt kaler biru.
Malam untuk makan malam dan tidur pun aku pakai kaler biru.

Today... I accidentally dropped my keys (the key to my room at home and the key to my room at hostel, they are attached to each other of course) at... I don't want to mention this but it dropped at an EWWWWW place. Hmph.

Another highlight of the day is that... I dazed off in SHBIE building at noon. I don't have any idea why I feel so sleepy. I woke up having a headache. Urgh.

Yeah another one. I registered my name for aerobic club and the workout started today at 5 pm. It was..... GREAT! Keluar paluh! Hehe. I'll definitely become slim if I'm gonna keep this up. Hehe. I DESPERATELY NEED MY FLAT STOMACH BACK!!!


My legs hurt so bad. I think it was the after-effect of the orientation last Sunday. Moreover, me and Betty went jogging around the campus yesterday...

It'll be great to get my legs massaged. By that I mean RIGHT NOW!

Till then. Its raining outside. With thunders!!!! Bye!

P/S; Aku rindu Sha... Take care Sha love!!

&& My heart beats again. My heart is still alive!


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Friday, August 14, 2009 @ 2:35 PM
Aku kan balik hostel lagi ni.

Why should one complain about something he/she wants?



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Tuesday, August 11, 2009 @ 10:16 PM
I don't mind not having any man to love.
But I mind getting my heart hurt, again.

did I tell you that already?

I don't miss you,
how I wish it could be true.


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I wanna be a pro.
Sunday, August 9, 2009 @ 8:14 PM
Oh Monday. My Monday is tiring.

I have no class in the morning, so I spend my time doing laundry. And I did my Mathematics Tutorials too.

My class started at 12, which is Mathematics.... I was... I don't know how to say it... Blank? Blurred? Either way, I dislike today's topic...

My next class was at 2, so as soon as we finished with Mathematics, we went straight to FOS. Today's class was..... How to say it… Panicking? We need to submit drawings of fungi and algae by 5 pm, before we leave. Not just that, we are preparing the slides, look them through the microscope, and refer to the books for labeling, jot down their properties/function, calculating their magnification… all those needed to be done within less than 3 hours… There are more than 10 kinds of fungi/algae… so it was confusing. I hope I’ll be a pro soon. I wish.


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My Sunday!
Saturday, August 8, 2009 @ 10:13 PM
I spend my Sunday morning on doing my assignment... and a wee bit of surfing, oh well, facebook to be exact. Hehe.

Went back to hostel at around 3 and safely arrived there at 4. I need to get my work printed, but I found out that the installer was not with me. FYI, I brought the printer on Friday to the hostel, and I haven't notice since today that the CD was not there. So I ended up writing them instead of printing. Spent less than 2 hours doing that, I think.

I waited for Betty that night. She arrived late, at 9, It think. And by then the canteen was closed. So my dinner..... Thank goodness somebody's still there, so we both use the coupon to buy drinks. By drinks it means 8 cans of drink. Cool, no? Hehe.

I ate pop mee and baby clam for dinner, err, which was unusual for me. It was unhealthy too. But nothing can be done... so, NO COMPLAIN! Hehe. My bad…


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@ 8:22 PM
So now... my schedule looks like this.

Tadi aku balik rumah ikut Juju. Thanks dearest!

Oh please somebody need to nag me about my assignment! I am not done with it.

Malas cakap.

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Friday, August 7, 2009 @ 1:17 PM





Malas cakap.


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Home, home sweet home.
Thursday, August 6, 2009 @ 9:54 PM

So today...

Just like any other day, I followed my daily routine - wake up at 5, take my shower and did my Subuh prayer. Then at 7, we went downstairs to take our breakfast. Our class started at 8, so after we're done with eating, we went to SHBIE.

I love the lecturer. Hehe. She's one in a million.

Lapas habis kelas, kami pulang hostel. My next class is at 12, so it's time to take a rest. Juju got home early, since she don't have any class to attend to...

So, me and Betty went to SHBIE again at around 11. When we arrived there, the class was empty. But not long after that, Zar datang! Did a little bit of waiting but still no sign of other students and even the lecturer wasn't coming... So kami pergi cari Program Leader, I think and we were told that this module were 'ditiadakan' because... you know, the number. Hmph.

Balik hostel, aku pun tidur. A hour after that, Betty baguni aku. Katanya ia keburingan. Haha. Kesian dey loh Bet!

Aku berjanji sama Zaim hari ani, aku ikut ia balik. So I'm waiting for him, he told me that his class finish off at 4.30 PM. Tapinya pukul 4 atu sudah ia text aku. So... yeay! I'm going home!

Balik rumah, liat TV, main sama baby, mandi, makan, liat TV, surfing, tidur. Sah inda siap assignment! Hmph.


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Another day off... and I feel..
Wednesday, August 5, 2009 @ 7:48 PM
Another day off... It didn't feel good..

Betty is having her class this morning, leaving me and Juju behind. We watched Super Junior Intimate Note, the one I downloaded from youtube a long time ago. Eh, we watched some MV first, lapastu barutah liat SJ. SJ's show make us burst into laughter! Cali!! HAHA!

By the time Betty finished her class and arrived at hostel, we're still watching it. Haha! Even Betty yang inda kenal SJ pun ketawa-ketawa meliat that show.

We have another briefing at the hostel this afternoon, this time from Fire and Safety department. Won't say much but I think it was a hot day.

Though having a day off... I felt tired.


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A day off, yeehaa!
Tuesday, August 4, 2009 @ 7:41 PM
The 3 of us have Communication Skill I class today, and we went there just to find out that the class was canceled. Buh! Which means....


Kami mengisi masa lapang ini untuk membuat kad pelajar UBD. Tapi kami pusing-pusing dulu, by that I mean, balik hostel dulu, then jalan ke ICTC. Hoho. We finished in no time, and balik hostel semula..

I can't remember what we did the whole day... Most probably sleeping or talking to each other. Hehe.


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First day.
Monday, August 3, 2009 @ 7:09 PM
No class in the morning. But still I woke up early, to train myself. Juju too. Kami bangun pukul 5, mandi, lapastu tidur balik. Haha!

At around 7, aku bangun lagi. Me, Betty and Juju then went downstairs to take our breakfast. I can't remember what we're doing the whole morning, but I think we're together all the time.

Mathematics class started at 12 so by 11, me and Juju get dressed and ready to go. Bye Betty~

So, the class was...

As soon as we enter the main CLT, we were introduced to this topic, but not to this lecturer. So... we're quite blank and blurry to begin with, we can't really hear him. But we somehow get adapted with it as time goes by. I think the topic was awesome. For now, that is.

Finished at 2, and we went straight to FOS. Kan sasat kami dua Juju cari class, but managed to get in there in no time with the help of Mayyer. However, little did we know that this is our first practical class. Haha. And we're told to finish off our assignment about this practical and submitted by next Monday. Hehe. The practical was.. yeah not that bad. I always enjoy doing experiment, so I don't think I regretted taking this core module. We're done and dismissed at 5, I'm glad we finished early.

We have a briefing to attend at 7.30 pm about smoking if I'm not mistaken. So before going there, we ate our dinner. Lapar ah lapas abis kuliah. Hmph. It would be a lovely night if we're not sleepy and tired after our first day of coming back to school! I enjoyed the drama though, it feels like watching a TV. Haha. It ended at 10, I think. Balik hostel laju-laju and... Zzzz.

We're always together today. Like, bangun sama-sama. Mandi sama-sama. Makan sama-sama. Jalan kuliah sama-sama. Hehe.


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This is how my schedule looks like.
@ 6:42 AM

I was hoping that I can exchange Thursday with Saturday. I wanna go back home early every Saturday!! But 6 pm??!

Okay, no complain! Stay positive! Hehe!


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I'm moving out?
Sunday, August 2, 2009 @ 1:29 PM

I hope I don't miss anything.
Woah, I don't feel good about it.


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Sha's special day.
@ 12:08 AM
It's August 2nd...


First off, I wanna let you know how grateful I am to have such a beautiful friend both inside out like you. You've been there in time of happiness and sadness, being there for me. I'm glad we're best friend!

But I'm sorry I can't be there at this special day of yours. I promise I'll make it up and treat you soon, okay?

Have a great day dear, I believe you already had. Hehe.

Wishing you all the best in UITB and your future. May God bless you dear.

- Fie.


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Saturday, August 1, 2009 @ 7:34 PM



And my to-buy list and to-bring list is done! One tenth of it esuk lagi bali. Phew~

Hello August!!!


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